Azeroth. A world with great potential, and even greater hope for the 'morrow. Our world has seen civilisations rise and empires fall. Many have threatened our lands - the immortal armies of the Fel, the tides of Death, and even the elements themselves. But we have stood strong, enduring at every turn. When united, we stand the strongest.
It matters not where we come from, be it Alliance or Horde. Such terms matter little in the end, for no matter our origin, we all are citizens of Azeroth. We all wish to defend our homelands, our people, against those that would see us eradicated.
But even after we have faced so much - there still are threats of an even greater magnitude that stand on the very horizon. Will we stand idle, as our homelands burn? As our people are enslaved and slaughtered? Will we simply watch as our world falls? No, with the guidance of the Prince, we shall defend this world from all those who may seek our end. United, we stand!
Welcome to the thread for the ! We are a new heavy RP guild based roughly around a more public version of the follower of Wrathion - although, as he is ICly keeping his cover, we tend to simply call him by his lore-based title, the Black Prince.
Similar to the goals of the Prince, the Society seeks to aid in the preparation of Azeroth’s defence. There are many threats who would see the world burn, ranging from the upcoming threats of the Void to the dangers of the Shadowlands, and beyond. In turn, we welcome all races and classes into the fold. After all, Azeroth belongs to no one culture or race - we all are the citizens of Azeroth. Although we can only take Horde races due to game mechanics, we are happy to ally with Horde or Alliance, should anyone want to RP!
Although we are a heavy RP guild, we do put a heavy focus on the idea of real-life before the game at all times, as well as preferring a more casual and laid-back attitude on things. In the end, Warcraft is a game, and the last thing any of us would want is any member getting burnt out over something that should just be fun.
As a whole, we welcome those who have a genuine interest in RP and the lore of this world. There are so many fascinating sections of the lore and story that could be amazing to explore. That said if you have an honest interest, but not the experience, don’t worry! We are more than happy to help out, and will gladly accept beginners and veterans alike!
In our events, we enjoy blending gameplay and RP together where we can. For instance, making use of RP-PVE or RP-PVP elements for combat. For instance, a few future events we are planning out fall within the realms of RP-PVP wargames - events ICly set up as sparring between parties for training and in preparation to face the threats on the horizon.
But, combat events are not all we are planning on hosting as we grow. To resist such dangerous threats, one must have the knowledge they need to do so! And, as living beings, we all need a chance to rest and recover. Thus, we likewise will have an interest in academic or social events, as time goes on!
In terms of progression, we won’t be having an all-too heavy focus on ranks, opting to keep it nice and simple. To begin with, the Outsider stands as a trial rank of sorts. It gives our new members a chance to get to know the Society and to meet us ICly to bring you in proper! After a short trial period and an IC introduction, you will be brought fully into the fold as an Initiate!
Throughout time and RPs, the Initiate may ascend to the rank of Associate - the primary body of our guild. All of our colleagues are respected members of the Society, and the Associate is no exception! They are welcome to partake in or create any events and RPs for their fellow members, as well. In the end, we all stand as one!
Next, we have the Talons. If the associates are our members, the Talons are our veterans - those who have served with the Society for a lengthy amount of time, and have proven themselves well to the cause!
Following our veterans stand our officers. The Chosen and the Council of Watchers are our initial and veteran officers, respectively. They operate akin to a moderator and an admin, in turn. With the Chosen, the Watchers, and the Commandant - we all work as one to ensure that the day-to-day life of the guild runs nice and smoothly, and that it is a fun and drama-free experience for any and all interested!
Uniform, Mounts, and Naming
When regarding the uniform, we do have a slight ‘uniform’ for the Society. It is more transmog colours and the tabard than anything - simply a transmog of dark greys, purples, blacks, and blues with any one of the three tabard options will do quite well. Note: This is simply whilst in character and on duty with the society (guild events/RPs) for the sake of uniformity. Although definitely encouraged, it isn’t mandatory by any means when OOC or not ICly representing the Society.
As for mounts, we don’t have many restrictions - all we request is that it be something that fits the role. For instance, the Heart of the Aspects mount might not be the best fit for most roles, but various other mounts - such as wyverns, bats, raptors, horses, dragonhawks, and so many others might fit quite nicely.
Finally, the last thing we request is that our members have IC-fitting names, or are willing to use addons such as TRP3 to give themselves names that would fit nicely for the character.
Final Notes
Apart from all that, if anyone’s interested in joining up with the Ebonsoul Society or would like to learn more about your little family, feel free to post any questions below, to contact me under the name of Pyrrian ingame, or send a DM on Discord to the user Taveri#1967! I’ll gladly answer any questions and help out as best I can!
For our world, we shall ever stand ready. For Azeroth.