If you're looking for a laid-back, friendly, and helpful community to raid with, look no further. We value having a fun and positive environment over all else, and as such have a low tolerance for toxicity or drama. While we expect our raiders to be prepared and perform to the best of their ability, we're willing to work with you both during our Normal raids and outside of raids to improve any DPS/HPS or mechanic-related issues should they arise and hopefully help move you into raiding Heroic with us as you improve. So if you're new to the game, your chosen class, or just having a rough time adjusting to changes made in the expansion, we don't mind as long as you're making an effort.
Our Raid Schedule(in CST/Server time):
- Wednesday - 8 PM to 11:30PM
- Friday - 8 PM to 11:30PM
- Saturday - 7 PM to 11:40PM
We're looking to recruiting the following classes/specs for our raid roster:
- Tank (Any Spec)
- Arms Warrior
- Rogue
- Ranged DPS
- Healer w/ OS DPS - Prefer Priest/Monk/Paladin
Attendance requirements vary by role. Tanks are expected to maintain 90%+ attendance, and Healers 75%+. While we request our DPS to try to maintain 60%+ attendance if possible, we are open to pretty much anyone regardless of schedule. We realize real life happens, and if you need time off from raiding for any reason, just let us know. Currently, we're asking for 350+ ilvl for Normal Battle of Dazar'alor and 365+ for Heroic - with Heroic raids also having a moderate minimum expected performance level.
Loot will be distributed via personal loot and for the resulting unwanted, tradeable gear, either rolling(for farm content) or loot council factoring in attendance and how big of an upgrade the item is(for progression content).
Any questions or requests for an invite can be posted here or directed to one of the following on Bnet:
- Kuvo#1742
- Goldie#1239