[H] The Ashen Wolf Clan [Heavy RP/WPVP]

The Ashen Wolf Clan

Guild Background: Orok’s family was once members of the Warsong Clan but due to their aggressive nature, his family defected and decided to become nomads along the plains of the Barrens and live under a new banner of the Ashen Wolf. It had been two years of solitude from any connection to the Horde when a band of humans approached the Clan encampment. The humans demanded that the orcs migrate further north or else they would be put down like the rest of the Horde dogs. Orok’s father, Gadar, as the warchief, peacefully told the humans that their encampment would not move and that they weren’t hurting anyone and would never harm anyone. The humans warned the orcs of their incoming attack the following morning if they didnt move and upon the rise of the sun the next day, the orcs were indeed attacked. The Ashen Wolf Clan was nearly decimated, leaving only four members alive. A tauren patrol from Mulgore saw the attack and aided the orcs, routing the humans. The tauren helped the remaining orcs get to Mulgore so they may heal from their wounds.

Upon reaching Mulgore, Orok’s father, Gadar, had died from his injuries. His final words to his son was to reform the Ashen Wolf Clan, but this time lash back out at the Alliance for their crimes rather than their original peaceful way. Orok explained to Baine Bloodhoof that he needed tauren soldiers to help him and Baine obliged, so long as the Clan would protect the northern front from Ashenvale and Darkshore. Orok accepted the offer and returned to Orgrimmar to gather more to his cause. Orc, Tauren, Goblin, and Troll are now faithful allies of the Ashen Wolf Clan as they all ride and strike fear into the heart of the Allaince. For the Ashen Wolf! For Gadar! For the Horde!

Realm: Emerald Dream
Guild Mount: Garn Nighthowl, Mag’har Orc mount, or Black War Wolf. (Only required to be used during Guild Meetings and WPVP.)

Our Primary Duty: To protect the supply trade routes between Mulgore and Durotar, through the Barrens.

Races we accept: Orc, Troll, Goblin, Tauren.
**Undead will be talked about at our first meeting with the War Council. We could use their numbers, but can they be trusted to look out for the gain of the Ashen Wolf.
Blood elves and Nightborne will NOT be members of this Clan because of their connection to the Eastern Kingdoms/Silvermoon City/Suramar City. We will support other guilds who fight for Silvermoon City and Suramar, but our sole purpose will not be in those cities nor that continent unless we are supporting someone.

Where we will WPVP: Primarily Kalimdor, Zuldazar, and Kul’Tiras

Guild Features:

Weekly WPVP events: We will lead three weekly WPVP events. Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday. These events will be anything from Call to Arms 5-person parties all linked through discord, Boralus raids, Alliance city invasions, and RP events coordinated with Alliance guilds.

RP events: Every Monday the War Council will meet in Orgrimmar or our secret location to discuss our next moves for the week, starting with Tuesday, following our guild meeting. As members of the War Council, we work together to determine our next strike. Every Tuesday we will have guild meetings in Orgrimmar where we will discuss our plans for the week and the current state of the guild, as well as lead into our WPVP event. We will also work with other guilds and aid them in their stories as well as in their city defense.

Any other questions, message me in game on Orok. Thank you, everyone! And I look forward to seeing you in game under our banner! Lok’tar Ogar!


Stay out of Ashenvale Forest filth. You might have Darkshore at the moment but that will soon be liberated and the great hunt shall resume.

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We don’t wish to be there any way, elf. Our mission is the safety of Mulgore, the Northern Barrens, and Durotar. The moment you or your people set foot on our lands, you died. Our scouts will reach far and wide to secure the border.

Welcome Ashen Wolf Clan. In case you are not part of the Horde RP discord, here is a link. A lot of the RP-PVP planning for ED takes place there if you are not already a member. Check it out and hope we see you all in game!

Horde RP Discord:

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I certainly will join, friend. Thank you! I have one of my other characters already in that discord under Elves of the North. Redwood Tribe and us will probably be working close together at some point.

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These “Mag’har” Orcs will learn that they need to go back to Draenor and stay there. The Orc infestation is bad enough without importing even more of these bloodthirsty savages into our world.

((OOC: Welcome! Be sure to pop into the Horde RP Discord.))

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We will gladly accept more Mag’har refugees fleeing from those highly fanatical, anti-Shu’halo hooved light-forged. There is room in the Horde for all that are accepting of others!

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We are here to lay our claim, Nearo. You get in our way, you get put in the ground. You can either step aside and let us protect Kalimdor or we will break you and toss you into the wind! Either way, our purpose is defense of Kalimdor and we will not allow your boy-king to stop this Horde war machine.


Orcish claims to any land on Azeroth are as valid as a murloc turd’s claim to the Seas. If you won’t go back to where you came from, then we shall purge the lot of you like so many other greenskinned monsters!

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