[H] Tank/DPS LF CE

Available Times: 7pm-2am EST (any day, contact me about day-raiding)


  • Havoc
  • WW
  • Frost DK
  • Any Tank

For various log links
wowprogress. com/character/us/kil-jaeden/Examples


  • Discord: Examples#3876
  • B-Net: PureExamples#1479

Late Night Pain Train, LNPT, is recruiting members to continue current progression through raiding along with mythic plus and other various outside activities such as PVP, achievement runs, etc. Our raid times are Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 10-12 server EST. On zul’jin
The main focus is having a team of solid players that maintain a positive attitude during raids and encouraging toward other guildmates with the emphasis on improving and growing as we continue to work our way through each new level of challenging content.
We are recruiting all classes and specs and encourage our members to play what that enjoy.
For more information please contact Jabinee, Gorkow, Drakopolis, Mutaka, Holyapple or Brutall.
Battle Tags. Jabini#1699 Gortao#1301

still looking

looking for a few more dedicated skilled players. We want a chill raid environment that still looks to progress. We have successfully been achieving that goal for last few expansions now while having a good time. We will be doing AOTC/meta achievs with a goal of a few mythics. Lots of mythic+ and PVP.

Raid Times: Tues & Wed 8-10:30pm
RBG Group: Friday 9pm
Saturday Fun Runs…make a drink!
1/9M 9/9 HBOD 2/2H COS

Needs: RAID LEAD/DK/BDruid
DPS - Will consider all vet players looking for long term raiding home.

Casuals and alts of all levels welcomed!
If interested contact Mayching. Mayabella BT = Maybella#1211

Hi! We are a new guild that is currently recruiting elite players to come and join us to achieve CE this current patch. Our leaders are 8/9M BoD exp.

We raid Tuesday/Thursday 8-11 EST

If you are interested here is my post below! Hope to hear from you!

Aren’t you the guy that was kicked out of Symphony of Fire for throwing a fit because you couldn’t gear a new alt every week?