We are now ranked #1 Horde and #4 overall on Pagle for MC All-stars. We cleared MC in 47 minutes with 13 healers
Surreal a 10/10 MC and 1/1 Onyxia guild is recruiting for our main raid team. We are looking for individuals who like to gear their alts too! We are currently comprised of several players that have been playing together since the early days of World of Warcraft. Many of us played in a Top World guild during Vanilla and cleared all Vanilla content within top 50 US. The vast majority of our current players have raided in many Top 20 U.S. guilds after Vanilla and looking to have a competitive guild on a 3 day schedule. Many of our players are finally done with BFA and wishing to play classic full time! We will be offering a Loot council loot system with multiple people to vote to avoid any issues. We thought about DKP, but ultimately decided against it. DKP is a headache to manage and people hoard.
Main Raid Current Needs:
- 1 DPS
- 1 Healer - Shaman or Priest
Casual Spot Needs:
- Druid - Resto
- Hunter - Low
- Mage - Medium
- Priest - Medium
- Rogue - Medium
- Shaman - High
- Warlock - Low
- Warrior - High DPS need
Raid Schedule:
Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday 9-12 EST. Monday will be more of a Clean-up Day that is optional.
- Level to 60 in an appropriate amount of time. This should take Less than 3 weeks ideally.
- Complete requirements outside of raiding such as farming resist gear and consumables for raids.
- Maintain an 90% or higher attendance. This is key especially with certain roles such as tanks and healers.
- Be able to play an off-spec if needed with proper gear and enchants.
- Must have a working microphone and be able to use it. This is a MUST!
- We expect raiders to be on 15 minutes prior to raid. Don’t show up at 8:59 and want to raid. We are looking for people that are at the raid prior to start.
Ideal candidates:
Several of us have been friends for many years now, some back to 2004. We like to build friendships here and even maintain them after World of Warcraft has come and gone. We aren’t looking for someone that just wants to seclude themselves from interaction with other members. We try to keep a healthy atmosphere at all times. We are also looking for someone that wants to improve their characters and self anyways possible. We aren’t looking for people to log on for raid 12 hours a week and not see them again.
If you are interested in joining our team:
Tankonroids/Dpsonroids - Guild Master - Dracs#1320
Eroshima - Officer - Eroshima#1883