Surprise Dragon is recruiting for The Eternal Palace!
We are a heroic raiding guild that dabbles in mythic. With a few more like-minded raiders we would love to make a more concentrated mythic push since farming heroic for 6 months gets stale.
Raid times are Tuesday & Thursday from 8pm-11pm cst/server. We do a normal/alt run on Saturdays when content is fresh starting at 9pm cst/server.
We’re always accepting talented players. Raid tank roles are full, might have room for one healer if you can play your dps spec when needed. We can always use more dps!
If you’re not a raider but just looking for a group to play with then we have m+ groups, the most talented heroic warfront squad, RBGs, and quite a few arena teams often looking for more players.
If interested in applying get in touch via this forum or in-game. You can reach out to Waterworld or Breadloaf via in game mail, btag choon#1592 or breadloaf#1440.
Thanks for taking the time to read and best of luck in finding the guild that is right for you!
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this is one amazing guild. i may not raid nor do much but they are fun to be around and seem to be a very good raiding guild. i definitely say this…this guild wont disappoint you one bit.
Happy to hear you’ve enjoyed your interactions with the guild, Zagan!
We knocked out AotC for the tier last night. It’s a fun tier; the fights seem a bit under tuned though. How’s everyone else liking the raid?
We still have 4-5 raid spots open if anyone is looking for a home, feel free to reach out.
Im a returning player from a year long break. I don’t have much raid experience, but capable of learning. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
lol dont know why it used my toon zagan and not bandria but its the same person. good guild here even though im not on alot anymore
Thanks, Bandria! Best of luck with your departure from the game, hope you find something new and enjoyable with your freedom. We’ll always be around if you want to pop your head back in from time to time!
waterworld will do best of luck to you guys. i may comeback to visit but as of right now i will not. i think once blackhand died off i lost love for the game i played for so long.
i gotta use 10 characters so … bump