H <Sunder Mifflin> Bigglesworth 14/14 Recruiting for Tier 5!

Sunder Mifflin
Casual, but we get things done!

A guild formed through a collection of friends going back to TBC and the new ones we have collected a long the way.

We currently run multiple 11/11 Kara teams and have Gruuls/Mag on farm. As we prepare for Phase 2, we are expanding and adding a weekend 25 man as well (starting 8/28/21). We are currently looking for key individuals to finalize our roster for both 25 man teams.

Raid Times-
Weekday Raid Wed/Thurs 6pm PST (25 man)
Weekend Raid Sat/Sun 6pm PST (25 man)
Kara currently multiple runs (3-4 per week) 6pm PST days based on availability

All exceptional players are encouraged to apply even if your class/role is not listed. The following High-Priority Roles are as followed

Team Weekend - Open
Team Weekday - Open

  • Boomkin (weekends)
  • Survival Hunter (weekends)
  • Enhancement Shaman (weekends)

Sunder Mifflin uses EP/GP to distribute loot.

If interested please contact the following via discord Ab#5203 or in game Abira#1978.

you replied to my post, i have a 70 resto shaman that i would be willing to take boomkin i would just need to gear him for boomkin, I am also currently leveling a Survial Hunter.