[H] <Sulfuras> 60 Rogue LF semi-casual guild

hey guys, my old guild recently disbanded, leaving me no option but to look for another one. I’m looking for a guild that’s medium sized and friendly, since the people are half the reason I play WoW. I would consider myself a casual player (i still play like 8hrs a day lol) i’m not too serious about the game but that being said i would like to get a little more into dungeons and raiding, especially since i spend so much time online. Let me know if your guild sounds like what i’m looking for. Thanks!

Hey Thraax:

If you are up for re-rolling on Alliance (I realize it’s a lot to ask), then you might have fun with us! We are a leveling guild with raiding aspirations, and we have a great group so far. Active guild chat, fun and friendly players, and guild dungeons! I hope you’ll consider, we are still months from raiding and it will be a joy to experience that together.


Aegis is a new semi-hardcore guild on Skeram with an obsession towards high performance, and playing competitively. We want players that will calibrate towards weekly progression, and clear content. Aegis is very competitive, and we lean towards cleaner, and faster boss kills, that leads to a strong foundation and core group of members that want to progress.

Aegis is recruiting players of all classes for core raider positions. We offer a competitive raid environment that enables our players to perform to their maximum ability.

Would love a chance to talk to you.

P.S Was on Sulfuras as well before.

Add me on Discord: Mizu#1309