[h]<suit up> 3/9 m two night guild lf dps

About Us: Hello, we’re and are currently 3/9 M BFD, 9/9H and previously 11/11M Antorus [Cutting Edge]. We are a semi-hardcore 2 night a week raiding guild that pushes for CE while having fun and have been raiding as a guild for over 5 years. We are on the server cluster of Malorne, Firetree, Spirestone, Stormscale, Rivendare, Drak’Tharon.

-Recruitment Needs-

Tank: Closed - Low priority
Melee: Any Class/spec - High Priority
Ranged: Any Class/spec but a preference for Shadow Priest or Boomkin - High Priority
Healer: Closed - Low Priority

All exceptional players will be considered for a spot regardless of spec.

-Guild Schedule-

Main Raids: Tue - Thurs 6:30p PST-9:30p PST or 9:30p-12:30a EST.
Optional / Not required (Currently Heroic BFD): Mon - 6:30p PST-9:30p PST or 9:30p-12:30a EST

RBG Nights: Wed 6:30p PST till no set time

Benefits: We provide the raid with Feasts, Flasks, Gems, Enchants and Repairs, all paid for and a non toxic constructive raiding environment. We are also fairly active outside of raid nights and regularly do Mythic+ and play other games together to hang out and are quite active on Discord.

Our Expectations:

  • High attendance (80%+)
  • Knowledge of your class, spec, and role
  • A willingness to take and give constructive criticism


If you are interested, send a whisper on Discord to Lestatt#8745 or Lestat#1184 on BNET and fill out this short application h ttps://goo.gl/forms/jSzbLSqXijoriEU03