(H) Sublime LF healers/DPS and MONK

Who are we? : Horde guild on Hyjal current progress 2/10M 10/10H
11/12M Nya raiders. Lost a few of us at the end of BFA. Weekly M+ in guild including Mythic Mondays.

Raid times : 7-10 PST Tues Wed

Required addons : Exorsus raid tools, WeakAuras, and some form of bossmod (Bigwigs or DBM)

What we expect of our raiders,
-Know the raid encounters ahead of time.
-Always be looking into ways to improve your own play.
-Be open to suggestions by officers or fellow raiders.

Current strong need for a MONK (ww or mw), and solid DPS (ranged preferred) and 1-2 Healers (Non-priest).

If applying please have relevant logs to display your ability.

Any questions or are interested please message…
Discord : Shady#9377
Bnet : Catfartz#1820

Back to the top, Join us!

<Sublime> US-Hyjal (H) is still LFM.

We are now 4/10M and sub 20% on Lady Inerva Darkvein.

Raid times are 7-10 PST Tues Wed

If you have any questions or you are interested please message:
Discord - Shady#9377
Bnet - Catfartz#1820

5/10M getting pulls on xymox. still looking for gamers, hit us up!!

Looking to beef up our roster for 9.1!

We’re 6/10! Still looking for more to hit 9.1 strong.