(H) Strategic Miscalculation is recruiting

Strategic Miscalculation is looking for raiders!

We are a friendly place you can call home. Plenty of active people to do things with. We run keys, do achievement runs, and have pet battle experts! We have one of the most generous Guild leads you will ever meet. We used to raid but lost a bunch of people (Real life and Classic) and had to take a break. We are putting a team back together to be ready for Ny’alotha!

We are looking for DPS, if you are a healer we will consider you but spots are limited. And I’m sorry tanks but those spots are full (we can always use more M+ tanks though).

Raiding will be light, starting out one night (Thursday or Friday) for three hours. 6:00 pm PST to 9:00 pm PST.

Don’t hesitate to reach out

I’ve got a balance druid on scarlet crusade and play exclusively in the time slot given. I see this post is from November though… Are you still looking for people for this time? Every guild I’ve tried to join on this server has had no other people on when I’m logged in.

My gear score is around 405 right now but I’m super new and have barely done any content yet, just working on rep still for pathfinder and unlocking z. trolls.

Hit me up in game – Guedj (kmaho#1936)

Sorry Guedj, the guild moved to Mal’Ganis. You should have better luck after 8.3 release.