[H] <Starry Knights> Prog Raid Team Wed/Sat 7-10 ST

Exceptionally active guild looking for players interested in joining a new prog raid team The Blackwater Bay Pirates. We are recruiting all classes and specs.

Need to commit to about 5-6 hours a week for raiding.
Wednesday 7-9 Server Time (8pm-10pm EST)
Saturday 7-10 Server Time (8pm -11pm EST)

To go along with our new raid team we already have;

  • Vibrant discord community pushing Mythic+ Keys Daily
  • Progression Raid Team 1: The Rusty Raccoons - full roster Tuesday/Friday
  • Progression Raid Team 2: Blackwater Bay Pirates - Wed/Saturday
  • Rated Battle Grounds - Friday/Wed/Sat after Raids

We are recruiting all classes and specs come join us!

If you have any questions message me directly or reply on the post below.

DarthHyst#1617 is my bnet

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Any room for a resto druid for raid?

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Absolutely if you are over 445ilvl join the discord and we can talk more.

If you are under that Ilvl we can get you geared quick with mythic+ runs.

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Wonderful! I am at 445, 8/9 on normal with a good vault ahead of me. What is the disc server?

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Thanks for joining!

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