[H] [Stalagg] <Blood for Blood> Recruiting!

Awesome! Send me a request on Bnet: Terasic#11756, and we can talk more / get you an invite.

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Looking good!

I sent a request from Rex#1462

bump! still looking

Awesome, looking forward to it!

Got me interested. As of now I plan on playing Mage. I’ll get with you on bnet or discord to chat

Great! One of our first mages hopefully :smiley:

Bumpity bump bump

Bump! Updated recruitment list for each class!

Playing a druid heals / dps Horgg#1278
Is my B-Tag

b2k bump bump bump

Added you!

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dont mind me. just bumping.

recruitment is going great! bump!

Hi. Bump. Bye.

BUMP again!

Don’t mind me, just bumping again.

still recruiting!

Interested. Sent you a FR on both disc and BNET. Have a small group of people that I’ve been trying to find a home for on Herod Horde.

updated post, we are now on Stalagg!