[H] Squad LF casual AOTC group - Details inside

Greetings All!!

My and a few friends are looking to raid together for this expansion and after hammering it out. We are looking for an AOTC group that raids after 730 PST on weekdays. Tues/Wed pref :slight_smile:

We consist of a Shadow Priest, Disc Priest, Warlock, Enh Shaman, and a Mistweaver. We are all very flexible and would be willing to change things up in the longterm

We are all very relaxed people who just want to show up, have fun and kill bosses. We wouldn’t mid a group who would progress into Mythic if the core allows.

Please reach out to me on Discord or drop your details here. Would love to chit chat and help us find our little spot this xpac :slight_smile:
