Something Clever is a Mythic raiding guild with a focus on consistently achieving mid-tier or earlier CE on a 3-day, 9-hours-per-week schedule. US-130 in ASC, US-111 in VOTI, US-135 in SOFO, US-195 in SOD, and US-211 in CN.
We are looking to add a mage, shadow priest, hunter, rogue, aug evoker, or windwalker monk to our roster.
Raid times:
8-11pm Eastern Time, Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday
We are very strict with our raid times and do not add days or hours, and make sure there’s raid time for all raiding needed to progress.
Everyone we recruit is with the expectation that they will be in for progression. We don’t recruit people to just keep them on the bench.
Performance matters more than parse here. We want raiders to come in and learn the mechanics quickly and efficiently. Once you learn the fights, then your parses will naturally be 80% and up.
We expect all raiders to have good attendance and to come to fights prepared. All consumables are provided except for battle pots. Raiders should be willing to both give constructive criticism and receive it. Raiders need to be putting effort into their character outside of raid to stay competitive and do the best they can in raid.
Drama in the guild is kept to a minimum, and problems (in raid and out of it) are handled respectfully. Our raid environment is competitive but not demeaning. We’re all just here to kill internet dragons.
Please complete the linked application, and if you have any questions feel free to contact an officer:
(Discord preferred):
Miliia - Discord: siliia - Battlenet: Miliia#1465
Eksor - Discord: illomyn - Battlenet: Eksor#1730