Late Bloomers is home to experienced raiders from all versions of World of Warcraft. While Its not a goal of ours to be overly sweaty or chase parses, we aim to be efficient with our clears. During our time in ST we managed to secure several respectable clear times putting us at a top 50 guild for speed on Lone Wolf. Just to be clear, our goal isn’t to be the fastest but with a one night a week schedule, efficiency is key. Beyond SoD, we also have a 13/13H guild in Cata, Dabble in retail and play many other popular games together such as league, Apex, Valheim and many other group/community driven games.
Progression our First week or two will mostly be aimed and killing as many bosses as possible. It should not be an expectation that we full clear (Seeing as there is a lot of unknown in MC at the moment) but its likely we’ll be very close. The second week and beyond will be aimed towards refining our strategies and improving our speed.
Raid times Thursday 7:30-10:30 EST
Loot System MS > OS +2 (This may Change in the future) We already have the First and Second Raiders assigned for both Thunderfury & Hand of Rag. Materials and Patterns will be assigned to consistent, reliable raiders
Recruitment We are looking for roughly 6-8 new members. We have a range of roles available (Minus Tanks). As we recruit, I will be updating our roster so this may change. Please message me if you are a confident and reliable raider. I prefer to do 1 on 1 interviews before accepting people into the guild. Huge bonus if you’re someone who will be active in discord outside of raid nights even on other games. We’re all close here and we’d like more cool people to BS with.
In game: Gooselord
Discord: Evan3817