[H] <SnL> Sat/Sun 11pm-2am EST LFM 9.2 Mythic Raiding

Late night Weekend Raid team LFM 9.2!

We’re looking to establish a raid team that raids purely as a late night weekend team for those players who have weekday commitments and can’t afford to raid earlier in the day during the weekend.

Our leadership has raided in top 100 US guilds such as Og - US Burning Legion (US 62 at the time), Disillusion - US Burning Legion (top 100 US) and various other top 200 US guilds including Elitist Jerks and Eon who respectively competed on lesser raid schedules during their peak times. This is a fresh concept guild for seasoned players but our leadership collectively ran a successful guild for 4-5 years back in 2011-2016 together (Eon) and plan on re-establishing that same strength in a roster this expansion.

Our goal in forming a raid team for 9.2 is to establish a weekly heroic and mythic clear. Most of our spare time outside of raiding is pushing keys and gearing alts. We will start as an AOTC guild and work our way into mythic with the goal of cutting edge.

Our raid times are Saturday 11pm-2am and Sunday 11pm to 2am (Eastern Time Zone).

We will not add days or add time greater than 30 minutes to kill a new boss.

We have players who push keys in the 2500 range. Our officers all have multiple geared alts to coordinate with any group composition.

Our only required raid night until 9.2 will be Saturday nights.

Recruitment :

Healers: (2) preferably priest/druid/shaman/paladin
Dps: Rogue, Warrior, Windwalker, Mage, Warlock, Spriest, Balance Druid, DPS Shaman

If your class is not listed and you like our schedule, please apply - we’re always looking for great additions to our team!

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to:

GM: Thepiece#1849
Recruiter: Emg#11389
Additional Officer: Elascious#1581

Please visit this link to Apply. We look forward to hearing from you!