Hey All!
Smooth Brains Is currently recruiting a few more CASUAL players to help fill our roster for Shadowlands! We have people who have kids, work full-time jobs, and have a variety of schedules. If you are looking for a super try hard guild that is pushing high keys, and looking to rush to mythic CN we likely aren’t for you!
However, If kicking back on Sundays, having a few beers while goofing around on discord, and experiencing what Shadowlands has to offer sounds like a good time to you please send me a whisper! We have 13 active players and we are currently 6/10 Normal in Castle Nathria. We have a few people who PvP but we are mostly a PvE focused guild.
Feel free to send me a whisper (Battle Tag is Pak#1230) and I’d be happy to chat to see if you’re a good fit!
We are a casual guild recruiting:
- 2-3 DPS
- Maybe 1 Healer
- No tanks
Raid Times
We raid Sundays central time:
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM