(H) Small group of players looking for a home

Hello :smiley:

I have a small group of friends (current guildies) that are exploring some options and somewhat looking for a new guild. We are mostly interested in guilds that have AOTC, clearing heroic in a single night, and we have no interest in pushing mythic content until Shadowlands. Do NOT try to convert us. It will not work :smile:
Our preferred raid times are Wed/Thurs/Sun after 8 pm EST.
We are all very experienced raiders (465+) all with previous mythic level experience from previous expansions. We just want to relax, and chill until pre-patch.
(got my post correct finally lul)
Drop your bnet/discord and lets chat :smiley:

May be worth a chat. Really depends on what classes you guys have, if you run keys etc. Figured I would post b/c we seem pretty close to aligning with our plans. Feel free to ping me if you think we are worth a chat :slight_smile:

Discord: Pimsley#1337

Good Afternoon,

Released Reforged is currently looking to build our community of new and returning players! We are currently 12/12 H and looking to expand our roster for the remainder of BFA and start of Shadowlands. We are more than happy to help train and build up players from those who have 0 experience to those who have lots. Come be part of a community of players that help build each others skill and chill with friends!

Raid Times & Days: Wednesday/Thursday 4PM-7PM (PST)

jjblf1990#1699 (Bnet)
Kerbey#1211 (Discord)

We currently clear Heroic on Wednesday Nights and we are doing achievment runs on Thursday.

Akai Soubi: Has been an established Horde guild on Uther since Molten Core with multiple server firsts from BC through Cata. Now, we are a primarily Heroic flex raiding guild but maintain our commitment to hard work and excellence. We are looking for likeminded individuals who enjoy being part of a fun, silly, helpful community and have the skills/drive to get the job done! We raid heroics competitively and also have groups going for mythic dungeons +15 (mainly weekends).

Raid schedule:

Pacific Time Zone

Wednesday: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Thursday: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

To apply:

Please contact either Solsti (Btag: Solange#1331, Discord: Solsti#9701) or Bort (Btag: sleepyfish#1172, Discord: Bort#6743).

I look forward to hearing from you!

I sent you a FR on discord