[H] Skyfury | <Kick My Kodo> | Fri/Sat 7pm-10:30pm PST

Guild Name: Kick My Kodo
Faction: Horde
Realm: Skyfury - US PST PVP
Raid Times: 7pm-10:30pm PST
Loot System: Loot Council
Recruiting: Spriest, Disc, Ele, Rsham, Hunter
Discord: Marc2#0037
BattleTag: Owlbear#1328

P.S: Many of our raiders have an array of experience in various expansions, although extensive experience is not needed because we’re always recruiting and more than ready to replace people who under preform, we’d like you to have some knowledge on what’s going on around you. In Conclusion, no sweat-lords and no brainless sheep.

Warning: This guild is not for anyone that wears their heart on their sleeve. If a conversation or a word can “Trigger” you then this is not the place to be. We don’t pander to people who are easily offended, we remove them from the guild and continue our day like nothing happened. We’re here to raid and have fun not intentionally look for something to get offended over.

Need an Rsham & a non Rdrood healer

Bump for kick my kodo

Thank you for the Forum heads up!

Skyfury Unlocked now :slight_smile:

Still recruiting!

Idc about your gear. If you’re good we will gear you.

Updated our needs!

Will literally take any Dps that aren’t a Lock/Mage/Warrior!

Same sh*t different day, just updated what we need.

We running it! NEED RELIABLE shammies! Clear every week! Bump for good people! Enhance, ELE, wel
come! Resto preferred, BUT ALL ARE WELCOME!