War Ensemble is looking for some raiders to complete our roster for TBC Classic. War Ensemble was originally a guild on the Illidan server in TBC where we were ranked top 50 US at one point in our progression. We have a serious attitude about raiding, we won’t tolerate stupidity or drama, but we are willing to work with people that haven’t seen the content or maybe haven’t even raided before. What we vaule most in our members is the desire to clear content and a good attitude.
Our schedule is: Tues/Weds/Thurs 7:00-11:00 EST
We will be running 1 main raid group, 3 karazhan groups and 1 alt/gdkp group
Alts are strongly encouraged but not required
Currently we are open to consider all applications because we haven’t made final decisions on our own class/specs and raid comps.
For more information or to be considered, contact me on discord (Troxed#4100) or in game (Trox on Skeram)