Literally Massive 
[NA] [H] [Skeram - PvP]
About Us:
We are a competitive group of players that love classic versions of the game and have been hanging out since the beginning of Classic.
All Content Cleared
- Three weekly clearing Kara groups (NB Included)
- Two week one Kara groups cleared
- Week 2 Mags and Gruul
- Top 10 Server Progression & Speed
- Top 5 Kara Speed
Who We’re Looking For:
Competitive players that mesh well with our crew!
Current Recruitment Spots:
1 Resto Shaman 
1 Paladin (Any spec!
We are always looking for exceptional players of all classes.
To consistently be a top guild in progression and speed on our server and even more. To clear things as efficiently and effectively as possible.
The Important Stuff:
Raid Schedule: Tues/Thurs 8-11 EST (Potential extra day and/or additional hours for progression)
Loot System: Loot List
If anyone has any questions feel free to reach out to me directly through Discord: Sharpzy#5534
While we are specifically looking for resto shams and a boomy all classes feel free to send us an application:
Daily bump. Reach out to me if you’re interested or have any questions!
If you’re looking for a group that gets enjoyment out of the game by being competitive, and by playing with a group you get along with then look no further! Apply today! or message me on discord: Sharpzy#5534
We are also looking for our resident meme officer 
Daily bump! Still recruiting a handful of spots for our TBC competitive raid team. Apply here!
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Looking specifically for 1 boomkin and 2 resto shaman. Hit me up to apply! Discord: Sharpzy#5534
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Join up with a core group of gamers that have a good time while smashing bad guys.
We’re also better at raiding then recruiting on forums…
Come crush all the content TBC has to offer with a great guild! 
Boomkins, it is your time to shine!
If you’re looking for a guild that’s fun AND serious about progression, you’re in the right place!
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Only need a couple of friends!
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Where the resto druids at???
Attention: Resto Shaman are beautiful creatures, and are encouraged to apply.
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