[H] <Single Digit Parsers> 10/10H 8/10M Semi-hardcore Tue-Wed 9-12 PM EST Recruiting

“Single Digit Parsers” is a 2 night semi-hardcore guild on Illidan. We raid Tuesday and Wednesday from 9-12 PM EST with an optional heroic clear on Sunday nights. Current Castle Nathria progress is 10/10 H, 8/10M. Recruiting Marksman/Fury Warr for last 2 bosses but still taking a look at exceptional dps! Please have similar progression(within a boss or two) to ours if reaching out.

Shoot me a discord or bnet friend request if you’re interested in joining and I’ll be happy to chat more so you can get a feel for the guild. Thanks!


Melee DPS:
Fury Warr

Ranged DPS:


*Ability to play optimally while also doing mechanics. Consistently taking avoidable damage and failing to do mechanics will NOT be tolerated.

*Keeping up to date on class/spec/stat changes.

*Ability to adapt on the fly and listen clearly to calls being made.

*90% + attendance.

*Open to constructive criticism and advice.

*Keep character up to date via M+, PVP, Renown etc

*Preparedness: Come to raid with food/pots/flasks/armor kits/ etc. Flasks/feasts/vantus runes are provided but always come prepared regardless!

Contact Info:
Battlenet : Kriyu#1820
Discord: Kriyu#7346

LF Holy Pally!! Bump :slight_smile:

We are currently recruiting:

MM Hunter
Holy Paladin

All other exceptional applicants can apply!

Current Needs:

Unholy DK
MM Hunter
Enhancement or Elemental Shaman (OS resto +++)

Just downed Xymox! 6/10 M now. Looking for MM/Unholy/Boomy/Mage mainly but accepting all exceptional applicants. Please have similar prog to ours(Preferably 6/10 M or within a boss or two) as we’re holding lockout on council.

Looking for a skilled boomkin and MM hunter! Fill out an application and contact us on discord/bnet!

Downed council, progging on Sludge now! Recruiting ranged dps, mainly boomy/hunter/mage. Still taking a look at all exceptional dps though!

Downed Sludgefist! - 8/10 M now. LF fury warr and marksman to finish out the tier.

On 2nd intermission for M SLG - looking for any exceptional DPS to finish out the tier and get CE! Main recruitment needs: WW, Hunter, fury warrior, DK. Willing to accommodate on logs (even if you’re 5/10M, lets talk!) Hope to hear from yall soon!

7/10M 224 ilvl boomkin/resto with 223 ilvl aff lock and 216 ilvl hunter alts. Wanted to main hunter but chose boomkin/lock for the guild and what was needed for them. Would love to chat and see if I would fit with you guys! Dosier#11261 bnet, dosier#2864 discord.

Hi I am a 219 Unholy DK with 6/10m CN exp. Here is my io raider.io/characters/us/bleeding-hollow/Ddragonslayeand logs warcraftlogs.com/character/us/bleeding-hollow/ddragonslaye. My Battle Tag is Nyssari#1991 Discord is Nyssari#4480

Do you have any logs on your aff lock?

Sure do…warcraftlogs.com/character/us/illidan/dõstitz#difficulty=4

Looking for 1-2 melee to finish off SLG and for SIRE! Have at least 7/10 mythic experience before reaching out!