[H] <Sin Cera> - 3/10H AotC Guild Looking for More!

Sin Cera is an AOTC focused guild looking to grow our ranks.

We’re a group of experienced players and ex-hardcore raiders that have families, jobs, or school and want a more relaxed guild and raid experience.

  • Progress: 3/10H in SoD, AOTC in CN.

  • Raid Times: Tuesday & Thursday 9pm - 11pm EST.

  • Want to Buy: WW Monk, Ele Shaman, and a Warlock.

We understand that WoW is a game we all play to unwind and hang out with friends. That said we expect raiders to show up prepared and on time. We’ve got the feasts and flasks covered, but players should know their class/spec and be able to perform without standing in fire. We joke around on trash, someone will probably get gripped into a bomb or off a ledge, but once the boss is pulled things get serious.

Outside of raids we have a few M+ junkies, some Altaholics, and there are guildies online or in discord throughout most of the day. While we are recruiting a for a few specific raid spots, any 18+ players looking for a home are welcome to join. (Edgelords and those easily offended by swearing need not apply)

Contact: Tù - Mal’Ganis or Kazrathael- Mal’Ganis for more info or an invite!