[H] Simulation Theory is recruiting

We are recruiting! We’re a semi hardcore bunch of people looking for more to join our core. Our raid nights are currently Tuesdays and Thursdays 8p.m. to 11p.m. server time. 8/8 BWL and able to clear BWL/MC in one raid night

Currently recruiting:

Tanks: Low
Priests: Med (1-2 Holy/Disc)
Druid: Med (1-2 Resto)
Shaman: Med (1-2 Resto)
Warrior: High (2-3)
Mage: Med (1-2)
Warlock: Low
Rogue: Closed
Hunter: Low

We’re also looking for an experienced and capable raid leader for AQ and beyond! Please Contact: Tazik or Commitment in game or contact me on discord at Tazik#6868.

If you’re a small group of people with some of the closed classes listed, please reach out to discuss.

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Guild has been steadily progressing to quicker raid times everyweek, Preparing for harder more challenging content to arrive, I look forward to continue raiding thru Naxxx and Classic PLUS!!!

Panky 60 rogue

Bump, need some chain heals!

Bump, me not that kind of orc!

Bump! Need some more for BWL!


Bump, join us for a quick MC/Ony tonight and BWL tomorrow!

8/8 BWL on week two!

Bump, looking for some sweet heals to juice our raid!

Are you full on warlocks?

Sorry for the late response. We have room for another decent Warlock.

Updated current needs!

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Bump! Need some more for BWL!