H Shaman or A Mage lf guild for p3

As the title says I’m an Elemental/resto shaman on Chaos Bolt or a Mage (whatever) spec on Wildgrowth looking for a guild for p3. Getting ready for p3 I’m looking for a casual weekend raiding guild. It was always hard to get a guild to raid with when I can only raid weekends. I’m looking for a raid time around 9 or 10 EST and I’d be willing to roll whatever was needed. I’ve played wow since its original release and have raided since. Guilds didn’t want someone that can only come to 1 lockout so I never really pugged as I like raiding with a guild more. Now that the lockout is weekly I’m hoping there’s more interest in me. If you wanna chat some more you can message me here, my btag is Brum10465#1180 or on discord bruhm1245