[H] Shadow Priest LF 25m Guild

Hello All,

Currently looking for a 25-man raid team/guild for my shadow priest. I also have an 80 Ret Pally I’d like to get into some alt runs or so, both are pretty geared for the start and have cleared all of Naxx 10 on day one launch.

Schedule is open anytime 6:30 p.m. to 3 a.m. EST/server time Sunday through Friday

Battle.net ID is #11965

Hello! I am an officer with and we are looking for a ranged dps for WoTLK. If you’d like youu can reach me on discord @Djayyshamwow#9713. I would reach out to you but it looks like the first part of your battle net ID is missing in your post.

We are a semi-hardcore guild that’s been around since Classic; we feel like home. As a mature guild, we strive to foster a positive, supportive, and inclusive environment where all guild members are respectful of one another.

Raid Expectations: 90%+ raid attendance, you know your spec and come with full consumes/enchants/etc. to all main raids, and you are a team player who is laid back but can get stuff done.

Raid days: Wed/Sun 8pm-11pm EST
Loot: EPGP

Not sure why the guild tag got removed but I am with the guild Refuge. We also have an immediate trial spot available starting Wednesday

hey Breakers is recruiting a shadow priest for an immediate 25man & 10man spot, we are 17/17 with OS +2 drake down as well. We raid Sat and Sun 7-10pm server time (EST). We use a fair loot council system coupled with thatsmybis to distribute loot. Msg me in game Xpnsvhamz or add me to discord Xpnsvham#4430