[H] <Sever Reality> 10/10H, 3/10M, M/TH 9-12PM EST

Sever Reality is actively recruiting solid players for mythic progress!
Horde - US - Bleeding Hollow


Experienced raid team, several members have been raiding together for years. Most of us are in our mid 20s to 30’s, some with families. Our goal is to push into mythic as deep as we can this tier with an eye towards CE eventually. Currently AOTC with 3/10M.

Raid Times:

Monday & Thursday
9:15pm - 12:15pm Eastern (Server)


Current priority is DPS and Healers (being able to flex both is optimal). We have a 20 man roster and are looking to grow to about 25. Ideally having current AOTC or 9/10H, but past experience is also acceptable. Flexibility on class and spec going into 9.1 is a big plus!


We expect players to have a solid grasp on their class, room for improvement is fine as long as you are coachable and can take constructive criticism. We are really looking for players with good personalities that can mesh well with the rest of our team. We aim to keep this a drama free zone.

How To Apply:

Contact toxicSan#1531 or Alphatrion98#1538 on Bnet if you have any questions or are interested in joining.

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Some of the best people that I’ve raided with in a longgggg time. Definitely worth reaching out if you’re still looking for a place to raid.

Still looking for bodies!

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