Open recruitment for all classes. getting ready for next set of raids! send mail in game to Thiz.
8/8H 2/8M
Any chance you need a frost dk / BM hunter? Add me, Ceti #11932, im on Eredar
Our schedule has changed to Tues/Wed/Thurs 730pm pst - 930pm pst
optional Saturday alt/trial runs 730pm pst. Sunday Rbg 730pm pst.
Looking to fill in spots for new raids. Currently looking for raiders that can make Tues/wed/thurs spots.
In need of Warriors/Hunters/Shamans/Rogues. but anyone may inquire!
Still looking!
Seventh Plague is a 10 year old guild just need a few to add to our core.
Most of our achievments are on our other guild Tabbed Out on KJ. We are back on spinebreaker for BFA.
Currently searching for the following classes that can make raid times Tues/wed/thurs 730pm pst.
1 DPS warrior
1 Hunter
1 Rogue
1 Mage
1 Ret Pally w/ Off spec heals.
Looking for people ready to go that have raid experience.
Currently 7/9N 3/9H. Will update end of week.
Still looking N 9/9 H 4/9 M 1/9
Ret pally reporting for duty.
Seventh Plague main raid times tues/wed/thurs 730pmpst - 930pmpst
optional days saturday alt run 730pmpst and sunday 730pmpst rbg
9/9h 1/9M
Must be able to make tues/wed/thurs raids!
starting mythic soon!
LF Boomkins