[H] <Seven> / Competitive Guild LF Raiders in SL

Competitive guild on Bleeding Hollow
Raid days per week: 3 Tues/Wed/Thursday.
Raid times: 7:45pm - 11:45pm eastern standard timezone.
Recruitment is open for Shadowlands 9.0 and Castle Nathria

Become a top end raiding guild on Bleeding Hollow, achieving success throughout our present and future tiers, accommodating cutting-edge every raid and “famed slayer” in our near future.

Always looking for like minded players who have the ability to progress at a high level while maintaining passion for the game, a desire for competing, and motivation with the right attitude towards progression while not getting emotion or “tlited” towards others.

Fill out our form, series of simple questions and following that will be doing a 15 minute interview.

Contact Information
Btag #Vps1922
Discord Vps#4338

Feel free to direct message me anytime from the contact info provide with any questions you may have.

hope to hear from you soon!