Sequence is a morning raiding guild on Bleeding Hollow. The leaders are daytime players/stay at home dad’s that have played the game since vanilla. We have extensive knowledge of raiding but are looking to create an environment that includes everyone and has fun. We would like to progress and aim for at least AOTC each tier. We won’t sacrifice the fun in this game at this point in our lives to get things accomplished though. Thats not to say we don’t expect for raiders to come prepared and know the fights, we’re just not going to be elitist about it. The leaders currently have 5 bosses down in normal CN.
Our raid times will be:
Wednesday/Thursday 9am-12pm EST.
If you are a day time horde player and are looking for like minded people to play the game with, please contact us.
Right now we’re looking for all classes and specs. Good tanks, heals and dps.
Contact us on discord:
GM Valtherin#5547
our discord is : discord.gg/b88UwQV6Sg