[H] <SEND NEWBS> - PVE Beginner friendly guild

Hey everyone I’m Largeleroy the creator of . I created this guild with 2 friends of mine and our wives in hopes of creating a guild centered around a dynamic of experienced players helping new players/gamers learn this game that we love.

Our goals as a guild are to have a fun and welcoming environment and teach beginners aka newbs how to navigate the world and get them comfortable to the point where we can create raid groups to progress through end game dungeon and raid content.

Monk: High
Mage: High
Druid: High
Shaman: High
Death Knight: Medium
Warrior: Medium
Rogue: Medium
Priest: Medium
Demon Hunter: Medium
Paladin: Medium
Warlock: Low
Hunter: Low

If you have a newb to send our way, are a newb yourself or want to find a great community to show off your HUGE warcraft brain them add largeleroy#11592 on bnet and throw me a message.

Raid times are 6:30pm-9pm PST Tue and Thur

This sounds great!

If you know anyone who’s new or getting back into the game add me on bnet!