Still looking for more! got a great group of raiders and fun group.
aotc is just around the corner, reach out to us if interested.
Still looking for more! got a great group of raiders and fun group.
aotc is just around the corner, reach out to us if interested.
I’m very interested. There is me a disc priest a resto shammy havoc and a ww looking for a guild your raid times are exactly what we would like. We are still running heroic prog atm
awesome, all 4 would benefit the raid perfectly. We’ve been trying to maximize the most amount of buffs going out in the raid.
We’re probably going to start doing the skip in CN the next couple weeks until we get aotc, feel free to pst me in game and we can get some invites rolling out.
bnet is joeystone#1247
bump Still looking for more
9/10 Heroic need more core raiders to fill our raid!
Current Needs:
Resto druid closed
Ranged Dps
Boomies are currently closed
Melee Dps
Exceptional players feel free to apply anyway
Now 10/10 Heroic
Our goal as a guild is to be an Aotc guild, yet at the same time we also enjoy having a fun community of players who look forward to joining our fun, yet serious at times raid atmosphere. Most of our raiders have no interest in doing mythic raiding if that is your goal.
Now that we’ve achieved Aotc we want to keep building our raid group for the next raid tier, our current goals moving forward is to have H Sire on farm, push keys to +15 then either do alt raids or explore mythic nathria in a more casual manor.
Current Needs:
Ranged Dps
Any non boomies really…
Melee Dps
Exceptional players feel free to apply anyway, above is mostly what we have a high demand for.
bnet joeystone#1247
still looking for more, Aotc guild with a great community of players who just enjoy getting together every week to blow stuff up!
M+ weekly with possible alt runs coming soon
bumpity bump
need more deeps
Any more early bird raiders out there? We’re still clearing Heroic CN every Wednesday and Thursday. We’re pushing M+ during the week with a few guildies getting their KSM and a few more completing this week.
Hey all aotc bm hunter here looking for new guild my current guild has decided to call it quits so could use a new friendly fun home wallyworld#1265