We raid from 7-10PST on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Our current needs are:
- Ele Sham
- Mage
- Warlock
- Spreist
- Boomkin
- Hunter
To get in contact with us please add Lithiyum#1543 or Zabeeni#1766
We raid from 7-10PST on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Our current needs are:
To get in contact with us please add Lithiyum#1543 or Zabeeni#1766
+Update+ 6/9 M
Still in need of Rdps!
If you don’t see your class above and are still interested, please feel free to contact the btags from OP. We are always open to new blood that can play their class well and interested in some good ol mythic prog!