[H] <Scars> Tue/Thu 8-11pm Recruiting for Mythic

Scars has two raid teams, and [Sloppy Seconds] is recruiting to begin mythic dabbling. We are a collection of players including casuals, ex-CE raiders, and dungeoners. Our only issue with mythic is the roster boss. Fill our roster, get some kills.

We are 9/10H.

We raid Tuesday/Thursday 8-11pm CST on Mal’Ganis.

Tank needs: None, or any exceptional player.
Healer needs: Resto shaman or Holy Paladin.
DPS needs: Mage, DK, or any exceptional player.

We expect all raiders to be knowledgeable about their class and to improve if they are not performing.

Add Jonnus#1529 for more info.

226 MM / SV Hunter looking for a new home. Add my B-Tag if you like what you see Horgg#1278

bump bump bump :slight_smile: