< Same > is always recruiting exceptional players, please do not hesitate to apply.
Recruitment Needs:
Tanks: Death Knight, Monk
Healers: -
mDPS: Rogue, Monk
rDPS: Mage, Warlock, Priest
If you’d like to apply, please fill out our application: goo.gl/forms/lcfmg9KK1DiqMv5I2
Contact info:
Chickn: chickn#4346 (discord) or Chickn#1249 (bnet)
Xandorel: Xandorel#4160 (discord) or chris2297#1133 (bnet)
< Same > is a semi-hardcore progression raiding guild that began at the start of Legion. Our guild believes in maintaining a friendly but competitive raiding atmosphere, while always pushing towards a higher world rank.
Raid Times:
- Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday
- 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM PST
- Be raid ready. Consumables, gear, addons, and knowledge of boss fights ready to go.
- Be consistent and always improving.
- Be ready to communicate. Everyone needs to be involved during progression and available on voice comms.
Required addons:
- Weak auras
- Exorsus raid tools
- RC Loot Council