[H-RP]<Whitehorn Tribe> Returns! And is recruiting!

After an extended leave from WoW, cough BfA cough the decision has been made to start up the Whitehorn Tribe Guild again.

About the Guild:
Casual RP guild with a Tauren Theme, with all races accepted
LGBTQIA+ Friendly
Guild structure allows for creative character concepts
Faction Neutral
Open to Cross-Faction RP

The Tribe has extensive lore about the founding of the Tribe by the Skyfather to help protect the Earthmother and her creations. However, no character is required to believe in the Skyfather - only in the calling of a greater good. To the Tribe, this greater good is the protection of Azeroth and all her people. The player decides how best their character can serve the Tribe by whatever power/ability/gift they have with no concern for what class the character is. RP is more important than mechanics.

The Tribe is divided into four different groups called Spirit Paths: White (Braves), Red (Seekers), Blue (Mystics) and Green (Menders). Each one focuses on one particular aspect of the character decided by the player. For example, your warrior happens to be an explorer or adventurer and not a soldier. Then he would be a Seeker, and not a Brave, since he seeks knowledge. Your priestess is a military strategist? Well, she’s a Brave, since that is the path for those who seek to protect and defend by physical force. Your Shaman a Spirit Walker? They follow the Blue Path, which is for those who are keepers of spiritual knowledge. And finally, does your Death Knight grow a garden to make herbal remedies? Then they walk the path of a mender, as a healer of mind, body, spirit, or elements. Thought has been given to allow a character many ways to weave their story into the Whitehorn Tribe.

RP will take place at Tribe, Path, and Individual levels, with members being encouraged to come up with ideas for stories and events. There will be Tauren themed rites and ceremonies for members as they move through the different rank levels. There are also plans, if there is interest, in IC instance runs.

What We Are Looking For:
Fun, friendly, creative people!
Dependable people.
People who are okay with Shadowlands being IC. (You will not be required to ICly go there)

Ideally, the goal is to create a fun, supportive environment for people who want to do PvE and RP. Hopefully the structure of the Tribe will give some characters the creative freedom they might not find in other guilds.

If you are interested, please contact Kinarra or Wambleesha in game - by tell or in-game mail


Kinarra is a great person to rp and hang with OOC, and the Whitehorn Tribe is equally fantastic as a guild, from past server events to smaller ones, they involve their members and engage in a friendly and welcoming manner.

You lookin’ for top quality Tauren RP? Look no further!


The Great Tribe returns. Glad to see you back in full force.

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Thank you, both Sals and Gwyneth. I’m looking forward to watching the Tribe grow. We have some things already planned for Shadowlands, we just need some people!


Kinarra leaned forward to stretch before settling back against the tree. She glanced around, taking in the view that always seemed bathed in the blue glow of twilight. This was the one place in all of the Shadowlands where she could find something that seemed at least familiar, Ardenweald. As she watched giant moths dance amongst the trees, she let her mind wander.

Much had happened to the Chieftain in the past several years. Foremost, was what she felt was her failure to lead the Tribe. She had refused council, and even allies, while she stubbornly waited for the Skyfather to intervene. This had destroyed her tribe and nearly cost the lives of some of her kin. After that, Kinarra had turned her back on her beliefs. She had lost her way and her kin had suffered.

The Chieftain had seen much since then. The events in Azeroth had tested her faith but they had also taught her much about the different people that lived there. The time to live in isolation had passed. It was a new world. The past was to be remembered and honored, but it was time to move forward into the future. Just as children leave home, perhaps it was time that people stood on their own feet and stopped relying on the gods. She would leave those thoughts for the philosophers and theologians. The realms were in danger, and her duty was to the people of Azeroth.

An Elder had reminded her that the root of her problem was a question of balance. There is a balance of things in this world, and in this balance is the cycle of life and death. Kinarra had learned that all beings are tied to this cycle, even the gods. Because for all their might and power, they are mortal. They are finite beings. Here in this most peaceful and beautiful of settings, she had found where they go when they die. Where they return to the cycle and await rebirth. And here, in this place they were in danger. For all she knew the Skyfather had been sleeping in a grove, which had now been sacrificed to save others, and he was lost forever. The cycle had been broken.

Kinarra now understood Greatmother Moon’s visions of weaving on a loom and everything being slowly unravelled. The very threads that hold the cycle together were being unwoven. Just as the recent crisis in Azeroth had threatened all life there, these new events threatened life in all the worlds. The Chieftain could sit quietly no longer, her path was now clear. It was time for the Whitehorn Tribe to rise once more and answer the call.

The Whitehorn Tribe is recruiting! Are you a filth casual who likes to RP and do a bit of PVE on the side? Then we might be the guild for you.

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How should I get in touch if our schedules are misaligning on accident?

EDIT: Clarifying because I am sleepy. I want to join but I’m not sure when the people I’m supposed to whisper will be online; is there a discord I could join? Perhaps someone willing to send me their discord information so I can message you that way?

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I will get you that info by sometime tomorrow! Thank you so much for your interest!

Good eggs.

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This is incredibly exciting! I’m so glad to see you’re back! I’ve always been fascinated by your world building and lore. I hope to see you all some day soon!

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Of course I am a derp and post on the wrong character >_> Giving this a bump, on the correct character this time. I think. Dont quote me on that.

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Kinarra’s an amazing RPer that dedicates so much to what she does. Guarantee that any effort put towards this endeavor will not go to waste.

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Would love to get in contact with people here! If someone could contact me in-game, that’d be fantastic.

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I will be happy too!

Little Known Fact: Nakhu was originally a tauren.

Better Known Fact: If Nakhu was still a tauren, he’d totally recommend this guild.

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I never knew Nakhu was a tauren! I thought he’d always been a sexy orc.

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He was a real piece of meat back in the day.


This may be a guild that I could fit with. I’ve sent an in-game mail in hopes we can explore if I’m a good fit. New to horde, server, and role-play but want to learn and do more than just quest and gear. Looking forward to a response hopefully.

*Race changed to a Tauren with the name Longstride. Easier to RP as a Tauren than a Blood elf.

Hey, I will be getting in touch with you. I’ve had a few RL things come up ( all good though!) So I haven’t been around that much in past few days. I’m still here though.

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