[H-RP/PvP] The Sunfury Battalion Calls - Recruiting Blood Elves!

[H-RP/PvP] The Sunfury Battalion Calls

The Sin’dorei have endured when others have fallen. We have defied invading demons, shattered would-be conquerors, and reclaimed our birthright through fire and blood. Our mastery of the Arcane is without equal, our Rangers strike with unerring precision, and our Blood Knights’ fury is legend. We do not falter. We do not yield. We rise.

At the vanguard of our people’s might stands the Sunfury Battalion—an elite Thalassian warhost, forged in battle and tempered by discipline. We are Silvermoon’s sword and shield, striking with devastating force and defending our kin without mercy. Now, we call upon you.

Champions of the Blood Knights, Rangers of the Farstriders, Arcane Masters of the Magisters—Heroes of Quel’thalas! The Sunfury Battalion seeks warriors, tacticians, and spellcasters of peerless skill and unshakable will. If you would carve your name into legend, the time is now.

:fire: What We Offer

:crossed_swords: Total War: Tactical WPVP, Alliance capital raids, Warmode CTAs, and weekly RBGs—march with us to crush our foes.

:performing_arts: Immersive Roleplay: RP events and campaigns, Discord RP, rank missions, character-building arcs, one-off stories, and daily life within Silvermoon’s elite forces.

:trophy: Glory & Celebration: Victory parades, formal military ceremonies, and grand feasts to honor our heroes and fallen alike.

:shield: Defenders of the Horde: When guildmates or Horde allies fall under attack, we answer with swift and brutal retribution.

:scroll: Lore-Rooted Rank Hierarchy: Ranks and traditions based on Thalassian military and arcane orders, honoring the Sunfury legacy.

:fire: Active & Inclusive: Events most nights of the week, along with special monthly events, with no mandatory attendance for membership—march at your own pace.

:zap: Join the Elite
Sunfury Battalion is a Blood Elf-only RP/PvP guild dedicated to strength, honor, teamwork, and the relentless pursuit of victory. If you seek battle, cameraderie, and a legacy worthy of song, answer the call.

:link: Apply now at: SunfuryBattalion.com

GM: Aeythyr | Co-GM: Lunette
Commanders: Valkah, Taliam, Razekahl, Clacktar, Khaine
Recruiters: Azrahel, Sylvaeriah, Lextalius, Mikar, Taliam

Swear the Sunfury Oath and seize victory with us!


(Bumping for the might of the might of the phoenix)


Anu belore dela’na :fire:


(Bumping Quel’thalas)


Anu Belore Dela’cow, greetings, I too am a Cowdorei, and I approve this message (jkjk, this guild is such a kind and organized group, amazing people, fantastic rp pvp)


Not sure what was offensive. So, the post has been edited to non offensive status. All in neutral mode now :wink:

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( bumping, suffer well. )

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**Knocks her head on a tree branch while riding on her jeweled tiger. Gets up and asks herself:

“What the heck was I thinking? Move to Alliance territory? The game is coconuts for treason. The chance to melt the birthday boy’s candles with fel fire is the coconuts. I’ll pass no matter how sweet it may taste for that is what the gatekeepers want, not I.”