“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” - an unknown poet from Andorhol.
*actual quote by Thomas Campbell.
The wheel of time continues to turn. It ceases for nobody. For nothing. The cruel nature of fate weaves between the spokes of this wheel, consequently many suffer the “true death.” Long after one’s death, after their descendants, loved ones, and friends have passed on – after there is no-one to remember your name, you wither away - crushed beneath the wheel.
November 13th marks twelve years since the Horde sent the mightiest force that Azeroth had ever seen. This force was largely compromised of volunteers who sallied forth knowing that nobody else could. They were farmers, merchants, fathers, mothers. They were people, not soldiers. They sacrificed their lives to make sure future generations were given the freedom of life, of prosperity, and without fear of the undead.
Thousands fell to the might of the Scourge prior to any notion of going to the frozen wasteland. The Lich King unleashed his terrible powers upon the denizens of Azeroth not once, but twice, claiming the souls of all his evil touched. Fathers lost sons, mothers lost daughters, and entire families were wiped from Azeroth itself.
One year ago, on November 16th, an eve of solidarity commenced. To honor the fallen, to remember the forgotten, and to thank those who have given. In the Razor Hill Graveyard, the resting place of many of the Horde’s children, in the shadow of the birthplace of two rebellions that divided us further than ever before - to heal and bond. To commemorate the Fourth War, and largely, the wars before it.
This year, the Horde’s children come together to remember once more, to honor the fallen and pay their respects to those who had lost their lives during one of the most painful periods of Azeroth: The War of the North, the Wrath of the Lich King.
While their remains may be scattered across the boundaries of Northrend, we gather at Agmar’s Hammer to pay respects to the bodies recovered, and to remember those who may be forgotten.
Once again, the Horde will gather to honor the fallen and remember the forgotten. The date has been pushed earlier due to the impending OOC scourge invasion.
Depending on circumstances, the event may change, be rescheduled, or cancelled (due to aforementioned scourge invasion).
Saturday, November 7th, 5PM server.
Agmar’s Hammer Graveyard
Hosted by:
The Vol’kar Legion and the Gor’Watha Warband.
Order of events:
- Opening Memorial speech,
- Blessing to the fallen, the lost, captured, and forgotten,
- Memorial speeches, prayers, or comments from volunteers (screened),
- Final moment of silence.
Volunteered Speakers:
- Lohnosh Wraithcleave
- To Be Filled
Speakers, remember: Your speech should be a memorial topic. This night is a somber, melancholic remembrance of those we lost, both still fresh in our minds and those that have been forgotten. You do not have to speak strictly on the Scourge, the Lich King, or Northrend, but remember those who have sacrificed all.
Note on this year’s speakers
Instead of racial volunteers, we have decided to allow anyone who wishes to speak. We will have a soft-capped maximum (will be edited later) once we have a good idea of how many people wish to speak. Please have your speeches pre-typed, we will not let speakers attend with on-the-fly or rambling tangents. This is done in respect to time constraints.