Stormtalon Tribe is a horde roleplay guild that is rather new. A tribe intended to be a home for the many of people who are loyal to the horde, but who also wish to help not only Azeroth but to branch out into the lesser interacted area’s of Azeroth. Built upon the blood of Kohatan Longhoof, come join us as we seek to return RP to the city of Thunder Bluff, return Shu’halo festivals and celebrations to their former glory. And finally, reclaim the land that has been destroyed, lost and broken since the cataclysm.
A tribe for those who seek to once more bring about the great heritage of our people, and bring life to the line of your kin. To stand tall as our people once more, and fight for the Earthmother.
What to expect:
As we are a RP focused guild, expect to join events from the community. While you are encouraged to do content, and be social, we also ask that you come be apart of the Horde community and help it grow.
Lage hosted events, storylines and many more things to come as the Tribe grows and finds its place among the Horde. As well, personal story growth and character growth are all possible here.
Requirements to join:
Please be 18+ we are adults here and roleplay requires a mature and level headed mind to interact.
Discord is required, All information regarding events, notices and other information is shared there.
Be patient, willing to have fun, and last of all. Wanting to grow as a community with our fellow horde players. You must be in a good standing with the community to join.
Please contact Kohatan on Moonguard through in game mail or whispers. I am available most days, as well as you may reach me at Stormtalon’s actual discord! https://discord.gg/gbSYEPuxdC
I hope to hear from you!