Through countless conflicts Quel’Thalas and its people have continued to endure. Even after the atrocities committed by Prince Arthas and his Scourge the majority of the population embraced a new name for their people, Sin’dorei, “Children of the Blood” in their native tongue. While times have changed and The Sunwell at last restored enemies still lurk in the shadows around every corner for the healing nation of Quel’Thalas. To that end, Knight-Captain I’lyvania Taerenthyr has sounded a call to arms, welcoming any Sin’dorei whom would pledge their service to Quel’Thalas and the protection of its interests both near and far. A glorious age dawns for Quel’Thalas, will you be a part of it?
The Hand of Eversong is a Horde loyal and ever growing Blood Elf only Military themed RP/PvP/PvE Guild now recruiting new members! My main goal in creating this Guild is to provide a fun, safe and welcoming environment for Sin’dorei RPers and to make sure everyone is able to enjoy their time in WoW without any pressures or fear of judgement
Below I will list some questions you may have:
“What type of Guild gameplay wise are you all? Do you only RP?”
We are a RP/PVP/PVE Guild and intend to partake in all aspects of the game However we don’t force anyone into doing anything they don’t want to.
“What’s required to join?”
All that is required is that you play a Sin’dorei character and if you wish to partake in the RP elements of the Guild you will need to compete a brief IC interview to get started.
“I play a DK/Darkfallen/DH, are those acceptable class fantasies in your Guild?”
While your fellow Sin’dorei may look at you uneasy, we do allow characters of all backgrounds as long as you have a mutual IC interest of protecting Quel’Thalas. Super sinister characters wouldn’t fit well with the overall theme of the Guild. All “spooky” classes are subject to case by case recruitment.
”Do you all accept Nightborne characters?”
Not yet We want to build our Blood Elf core before we begin recruiting our Nightborne friends into the fold. Follow this post for updates!
“What names do you have for your Guild Rank?”
All of the Guild Ranks are Blood Elf in theme and you will progress in rank based on event activity and length of time in the Guild. Ranks are also in character class based and very flexible to match your class fantasy. The ranks are:
High General- Guild Leader
Commander- Officers
Sunsworn- Veteran Rank most will cap at
Blood Knight- Paladins
Farstrider- Hunters/Rogues
Blood Mage- Warlocks/Mages
Battle-Mage- Mages
Guardian- Warriors/DKs/DHs/Monks
Battle-Mender- Priests (IC Healers of all classes)
Recruit- Entry level Rank for all classes
More information about Ranks and progression can be found in our Discord upon enlisting!
If you’re interested in joining up or want to help get the Guild going please feel free to comment below or send an in-game mail to Ilyvania, I have also listed the Guild in Guild Finder! Guild Discord provided upon Guild invite. Thanks for taking the time to read about The Hand of Eversong! I hope to see you in Quel’Thalas soon
May the Eternal Sun guide us all.