A large pack of Rothyde Gnolls have been appearing recently in the northern Eastern Kingdoms and have been thriving in the necrotic tainted lands of the areas. High command of both the Forsaken and Sin’dorei are unsure how this has come to pass but they are not pleased. So with that in mind high command has ordered their respective forces back to help defend from this threat while sending a message to the Horde Vanguard for aid as the respective forces do not have the resources to handle these Gnolls.
Join the Vanguard in purging these violent creatures before they can infest the lands of the Horde a play a part in the defense of the holdings of Blood Elves and Forsaken from Decay Gnolls and their subjected allies!
INFO WHEN: June 17th - 24th WHERE: Capital City, Lordaeron. (Undercity) TIME: Briefings Start at 7:30 MG SERVER TIME - Events at 8:00 MG SERVER TIME WHAT TO EXPECT: A D20 RP Campaign with multiple events each night. Horde and Horde Neutral Players (Horde Races) from Moon Guard, Wyrmrest Accord, and other US servers are welcome!
(Posted here in the Wyrmrest Accord Forums due to WRA Players being invited!)
Yeah, that would be nice. I do appreciate our Moon Guard neighbors advertising cool rp events and inviting us to come join in. Thank you, Moon Guard friends!
Raton just letting you know you are awesome. I love seeing you out in the world. And if I had a tauren to play id put them in Wolfmane to play with you and Calco. You are amazing!!
It’s not a War Wolves event! It’s a Vanguard Event. A growing Hordeside Community situated on MoonGuard (but WrA are welcome) looking to entice and foster RP. You are welcome to join the Campaign!