Do you have what it takes?
The Doomguard is recruiting fighters of all classes who are dedicated to the protection of the people of the Horde.
Formerly a special forces unit of the Horde military, the Doomguard is now an independent organization. We take various types of contracts, from investigations to guard detail to diplomatic missions and special operations. Our goal is simple: The Horde must be protected, at all costs. We are disciplined and dedicated to our mission.
If you think you have what it takes, send your resume by way of post:
ATTN: Commander Galebraver
1662 Victory Path
Valley of Honor, Orgrimmar, Kalimdor
((OOC: If you’re interested, please visit our website at ! Send in an application on our website, or contact either Lithliana-CenarionCircle or Fenryth-SistersOfElune in-game! The application process involves an in-game, in-character interview. We are very LGBTQ+ friendly!))