[H-RP] <The Crimson Court> Venthyr themed RP!

The Crimson Court
Type: RP/PvE

The Crimson Court is a newly founded roleplaying guild looking to build a community of like minded individuals who enjoy the Venthyr aesthetic and story. ICly we are building an organization of horde members who have been recognized in their service to the Venthyr and now act as liaisons to the rest of the horde and the Shadowlands at large. Once established this will hopefully include both larger events and smaller social gatherings.

OOC: We ask that our members be 18 years or older and be able to show respect to one another. Members are given access to our Discord server which includes space for posting art, writing contained stories and engaging in Discord centered roleplay.

If interested please feel free to reach out to myself or any of our officers. We look forward to seeing you in the twilight of Revendreth.

Guild Master:



Bump! As the holidays start winding down we’ll be starting some story campaigns - looking forward to meeting some fellow Venthyr affiliates =D

Sorry for necroing this thread but is this guild still active/alive? Sorta interested in making a IC Venthyr using my Nightborne here as we never got any Allied race for them (least not yet, anyway). Probably would have jumped on this earlier but rl had me on a long hiatus from WoW.

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Necroing a Venthyr thread seems oddly appropriate.


The guild might still be around, but ICly I don’t think we can go to the Shadowlands anymore. So I dunno if that made things harder for them.

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I would assume it’s possible to still go there only because the Dreadlords/Nathrezim seem to have little trouble doing so. Though that might be a special case as they were kinda designed for that sort a realm travel.