[H-RP] Safiri Safara - The Caravan's in Town!

The Safiri Safara is currently parked in Thunder Bluff, Mulgore, and will be in the area for the next two weeks.

Come see us on Wednesday nights at 6PM ST for fortune telling, traveling mercantile, a good meal, or just a good story and company!

Whispers of us tumble through villages and cities like blowing leaves and smoke: the caravan has come to rest again nearby.

For some, it means we have come to do the work that needs done, in exchange for fair payment. For others, it means we have brought mysticism, fortune telling, skilled alchemy and faraway enchantments. For still others, it means we have brought unusual goods and merchants on which to spend coin. And for the few who wish to join us, it means freedom.

Not everyone is built for war or the current politics of the Horde. We welcome all. What is it you seek?

<Safiri Safara> is a caravan guild built around travel, light mercenary, and light mercantile RP. We travel with purpose, stop in villages and settlements for brief moments, and move on.

We LOVE networking and RPing with other guilds and individuals! While in a village, you can hit us up for:

  • Fortune-telling
  • The purchase of exotic goods and relics
  • The purchase of alchemy and woodwork
  • Any sort of light mercenary work
  • Joining the Safara

During the time when we aren’t in a settlement, we are traveling and engaging in our own guild campaigns and storylines that at moments involve light combat. During these periods, recruitment will not be open. If you are interested in joining the Safara, the only time to do so is while we are camped at a village or a city!


Do I need to make an appointment for a fortune telling or a merchant?
No, although you are perfectly welcome to if you’d rather schedule it! Otherwise, feel free to stop by our camp on our RP nights, as long as we’re in a settlement (which you can see at the top of this post). You may want to whisper one of us in-game to find out exactly where we are, but we thrive on people walking up and we welcome all.

Are you related to any of the other caravan guilds that have been around in the past?
No. While we’ve watched other caravan guilds in the past, the leadership team of Safiri Safara is unrelated.

Are you troll-only or troll-centric?
Neither. The current leadership team are trolls, but characters from all backgrounds, races, and walks of life are welcome to find freedom and rebirth within the Safara.

How often do you RP / what are your RP days/times?
Right now, RP is scheduled once per week, with the option of freeform RP always available. As we are a new and growing guild, that may change as we grow. Our current guild RP night is Wednesdays at 6PM ST, and while the days may change, the time likely won’t, as it accommodates our current members’ work schedules.

I like your concept and I am interested in having my character travel with you. How do I join?
Visit safara.shivtr. com and throw us an application! Please carefully read our rules, policies, and structure first. If you have questions for us, feel free to hit me up on Discord at songnerd#7360.


We’re still in Thunder Bluff!

Te’atali will be around the city tonight before the Night Market in Dalaran, RPing some new members into the guild; and we’ll still be around the Mulgore/Thunder Bluff area on Wednesday night for fortune readings, stories, and other chance encounters.

Come on by and say hello! <3

A bump

and also a big thanks to those who came to get their fortunes read at the Brightmoon Faire’s Night Market the other night! <3 Zy’raa and Te’a enjoyed hangin’ with y’all!

As a heads up, we will not be formally in Thunder Bluff/Mulgore tomorrow night as it’s spring break week and I will be out of town. :slight_smile: Back to business as usual next week!

We will be reading fortunes and likely also selling some wares at the Gilded Ivory Cartel’s Gilded Market this coming Saturday night (March 30)! Come say hi and let us give your character a bit of IC food for thought! :smiley:

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what’s the location & time?

tinyurl .com/GildedMarket

It’s in the Lost City of the Tol’vir at 5PM ST!