[H RP-PVP] The <Honoursworn Auxiliary>

Honour. War. Glory. An’ victory! We be de children o’ de Horde - an’ dese… Dis be our birthright! On dis very day, many o’ our bruddahs an’ sistahs be fightin’ te see de Horde not only survive, but thrive!

We be fightin’ a war on many fronts. An’ whilst not all o’ us be able te fight on de fields o’ battle, dere be somet’in’ we all be able te do. Te see de Horde thrive, we must all be workin’ as one! It doesn’t matter if ya skill be wit’ de axe, or wit’ de secrets o’ de voodoo. It not be matterin’ if ya be offerin’ te lend ya expertise wit’ machines, or seekin’ te 'eal de wounded.

What matters is dat we be givin’ dis our all. If we wanna be seein’ de Horde thrive, we must all play our part! On dis day, I be given de authority te do me part. On dis day, de Honoursworn Auxiliary breathes our first. On dis day, we thrive!

Now, I be askin’ ya dis, bruddahs an’ sistahs o’ de Horde. Will ya join me?

-Centurion Zesa’ji, announcing the creation of the Honoursworn Auxiliary to those in attendance


In this war, we face threats from all fronts. The Alliance, the Old Gods, pirates, mercenaries, remnants of the Legion, and all among others. We face threats from within and without. If we are to survive, we need work as one - and to do so, the stands ready to offer all brothers and sisters of the Horde a place to do so.

Although we are a military guild, we do not so much focus on frontline war. Instead, we focus more in a support role. Warrior reserves to support our armies, scouts to gather intelligence, medics and healers to tend to the wounded, bards and innkeepers to help with morale, mechanics and smiths to aid in repairs of armour and armaments. The list of needs in the war effort runs ever on - and we intend to offer a place to all who seek to aid the Horde!

In the Honoursworn, we offer two branches. The Blade of Honour - warriors and combatants that seek to aid the Horde through battle. In contrast, we also offer the Oathsworn - noncombatants and those who would seek to offer aid through their various services!

Once you have chosen your role, to progress through the ranks, we host a system based both on time and commendations! Commendations are earnt through RP, partaking in guild missions and/or training exercises, or in general working to further the guild as a whole! As a note, however, all commendations are earnt through IC means overseen by a Captain, a Bloodbound, a Councilor, or the Centurion.

Although we are a guild based around the Horde military, we do not really have a transmog requirement. All we ask is that you use one of the guild tabards whilst on duty. If you’d like for them to mesh nicely, the colours of the tabard are black, red, and white! And as for mounts, we have no requirements save that we request they just fit the role you play! For instance, the Heart of the Aspects mount we’d advise against, but any wolf, wyvern, raptor, kodo, bat, horse… (Etc.) is 100% welcomed!

Apart from that, if anyone’s interested in the Honoursworn Vanguard and would like to either learn more, or even join up with the crew, feel free to post any questions below, contact us directly via /whisper or ingame mail, or send a DM on Discord! I can be reached with the Discord ID - Atoxkal#1967 - at most anytime at all!

Centurion: Zesaji


(All names listed are ingame tags - will be edited over time!)

For de Horde, we give our all, bruddahs an’ sistahs! By de spirits will, we shall claim victory! I be seein’ ya soon!