Those are ok, We need more death grips.
What am, I chopped liver? You guys always know i’m just a call away. Love my Sunfury brothers and sisters
Ayyyy who called for the tauren druid to the party woot woot! Lets get it lit here!!
I love you guys.
I don’t love you camping me while I try to level my Alliance alt in Ardenweald, however >_>
I’m looking to get back into WoW as much as my time will allow and I feel joining an active RP-PvP guild is a great first step. I’ll get with you guys when I get on this evening if that’s cool.
Amazing guild. Aeythyr is the best GM/General you could ask for. The Sunfury Battalion fights as one, and leaves no one behind. This guild if filled with a bunch of wonderful, kind and creative people.
Kill some for me!
Love you guys <3
Bumpity Bump
Top notch guild
Alls im sayin is…when i got my Conqueror title, i was in The Sunfury
Would the Sunfury Battalion consider bringing into their ranks a codgy, retired Sunhawk Marksman who’s blind in one eye and is looking to re-enter his bow to the honorable Sin’Dorei crusade?
Because I might know a guy…
Of course! If you are a loyal Sin’dorei zealot for protecting Quel’thalas, send me a mail in game and I’ll get you an application!
Good Day!
I am very interested…I’d say more then that even… In this guild,
Consistent DM for DnD outside of wow, and familiar with role playing (though never done in WoW before) very acclimated to wow lore
Lastly been playing since day 1, recently stepped into competitive pvp and have TC’D multiple groups to 2k…
I doubt any of that matters though as much… I would love to level my rogue who is 51 currently and gear her out to run with all of you, discord is PrinceDevilos#5513
I look forward to becoming a part of what is seemingly an amazing RP community
Upon further thought, I would also like to bring my Paladin for the time being to start playing with you all asap, while I finish out the rogue
Galafar - Eonar, is the armory link
Much love look forward to speaking with all of you soon
Hello! I was wondering if you guys still were accepting Demon Hunters/Death Knights?
DM’d you in discord!
I’m an extremely lore-heavy RPer and was hitting 2k+ in other xpacs. Lead some RBGS in Shadowlands to 1800. I’ve been looking for a Horde guild for a while, but needed one with PvP. I’m currently Alliance, but would like to know more about your guild before making the transition over.
My discord is: Prying Pandora#8653 is someone would be willing to answer some questions and maybe conduct your interview process.
Hello everyone!
Absolutely! HMU with a mail in game or go to sunfurybattalion .com (no space)
But did she feel it grow?
Sela’ma ashal’anore!
Remember the Sunwell! Glory to the Sin’dorei!