[H-RP-PVP] Executioners - Find Your Calling Today!

:medal_military: Mission :medal_military:

The Executioners, officially the 14th Legion, believe that their Legion was created for the sole task of seeking out and slaughtering the Horde’s foes rather than undertaking any more defensive or strategic purpose. This Legion is bellicose and almost barbarous in nature, and disdains martial trappings and the ordered obedience of other more stalwart Legions such as the Honorbound and their own forebears the Might of Kalimdor. The Executioners have made up for this “flaw” by gaining a fearsome reputation for sheer undaunted endurance and destructive wrath. Their primary goal and purpose as a Legion is a simple one: to extinguish the lives of those that would have the audacity to contest the Horde’s manifest destiny or threaten its interests. The Executioners literally see themselves as the Warchief’s chosen headsmen, and His judgement theirs to enact on His behalf.

:medal_military: Callings :medal_military:

The Executioners use a job based system known as a calling. Each calling serves a particular role in Executioners’ operations based on combat, combat support, and support functions. Here is a current list of callings current available to members.

  • Grand SlayerBodyguard of the High Executioner
  • SlayerSenior Veteran in a given Warband
  • WarcallerAmbassador
  • BloodcallerRecruiter
  • ReaverLine Infantry
  • OutriderCavalry
  • Sky ReaperAerial Fighters
  • Siege EngineerArtillery and Siege Equipment
  • SeadogMarines
  • PathfinderScouts
  • Banner BearerBearers of Banners… duh
  • Death-SpeakersRitualists and Lorekeepers
  • SaboteursSpies and Demolitionists
  • SawbonesMedics
  • BeastmastersBeast Trainers
  • HeadtakerInternal Executioner
  • DrillmasterTrainer
  • OverseerTaskmaster
  • QuatermasterSupplier
  • Peon - Laborer

:medal_military: Current Campaign :medal_military:

The fall of Lordaeron drove out the Forsaken from most of Lordaeron and allowed the Alliance the momentum and means to retake Stromgarde and the surrounding highlands. Unwilling to cede the Northern Eastern Kingdoms to the Alliance, Warchief Sylvanas Windrunner ordered an immediate strike on Stromgarde. The Honorbound and the Executioners were mobilized and sent to the Arathi Highlands with the intent of destroying Stromgarde and forcing the assembled Alliance back to the ocean. The Honorbound were tasked with besieging Stromgarde itself while the Executioners were ordered into the Hinterlands to secure the Horde’s only supply line to the sea through Revantusk Village while preventing the Wildhammer Dwarves of Aerie Peak and the High Elves of Quel’Danil from supporting Stromgarde from the north. Now camped at Hammerfell in the Arathi Highlands, the 14th Legion struck out with their customary ruthlessness to fulfill the Banshee Queen’s command.

:medal_military: Event Information :medal_military:

The Executioners hold coordinated and ad-hoc events and encourage their members to present ideas to engage their peers. Currently there are four formats for events presented by the 14th Legion.

Sometimes a lesson of fear needs to be taught to an enemy of the Horde. The Executioners specialize in rapid raids that they call Harrowings. Striking fast and with absolute mercilessness, they reap and pillage a targeted location, killing anyone they encounter and taking slaves and valuable resources. These attacks are often preceded by fear tactics, leaving a population stricken in terror and unable to defend themselves. The kill counts are often high and the slaves and resources are plentiful and these are often used to bloody new initiates to welcome them to the Legion.

Ensuring the loyalty of a captured location and maintaining sovereignty of the Warchief is also an important function of the Executioners. Unlike Harrowings, Compliances are often longer term commitments over an area recently captured from the Alliance or of a Horde village or town suspected of disloyalty. Using their customary brutality and displays of dominance, they cow these populations into submission and then mold them into proper vassals of the Horde.

Strength of arms and competition are considered essential to the heart and soul of the Executioners. The Crucible is a trial of strength where any member of Legion can compete to earn prestige and renown amongst their peers. While these are intended to be non-fatal brawls, often times the brawlers will take the fights to the extreme to the applause and encouragement of the Legion’s leaders. Victors of the Crucible are often marked for greatness among the Executioners and many a Warlord has been usurped after popular support of a Crucible champion arises.

The 14th Legion is a brotherhood, a bloody one, but a brotherhood nonetheless. Congregations are called after successful campaigns or when the Council of Thorns wish to bring the Legion together as one. Tales of victory are told, rumors and stories of mystery are shared, and rituals are performed to prepare the Axe Brothers for victory and to glorify the honored dead of the Legion. Honor duels are performed and challenges of command can be issued under the eyes of the Death-Speakers and the High Executioner.

:medal_military: Who Are We Looking For? :medal_military:

As shown by our callings, there is a place for everyone in the Executioners, provided that they show a sufficient level of bloodlust, dedication, and ferocity. However, there are particular types of players who are looking for to fit into our Legion:

:dagger: Unrated Battleground Grinders_
:dagger: Rated Battleground Aspirants_
:dagger: Island Expedition Masters_
:dagger: Achievement Hunters_
:dagger: Transmogrifcation Aficionados_
:dagger: Pet Battle Champions_
:dagger: Social Butterflies_
:dagger: Warmode Battlemasters_

:medal_military: Joining the Executioners :medal_military:

Full information relating to the Executioners’ history, callings, current campaign, and other details can be found at our community discord.


Additionally, inquiries about beginning the initiation process can be sent to myself, High Executioner Milu’dah Wolfsong at Exterminatus#1455 in-game.


How embarassing.

Went through all this effort to create this and I posted in on the wrong character. :sob:


I would hope you guys aren’t planning to actually try to IC control areas? Not sure if I interpreted that correctly.

And what is wrong about that? Aren’t we all paying monthly to enjoy playing however we want?

Isn’t Azeroth supposed to be a World of wonders and adventure? What’s the point of meta gaming X - Y areas to only fit your gameplay?

I believe the question is whether or not you’ll be attempting to enforce your ‘control’ over a shared game space on the RP of players who aren’t affiliated with you.

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Well claiming to IC control entire areas and enforce your will on other players is pretty frowned upon on WrA, and I’d advise against it. I’m also not sure how that’s meta gaming.

Yeah. I mean people can claim to control Orgrimmar, as long as they’re not making unsolicited RP actions against others, nobody cares. They’ll be largely ignored, but it’s not hurting anything.

My question was whether or not these… enslavement and interrogation rampages were being RP’d outside of guild interactions. Because that sounds like kor’kron RP all over again lol

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I feel obligated to inform you that Nakhu (me, when I’m not polymorphed into this short hairy drunken form by Blizzard) is the Lord High Executioner on this server and all uses of titles involving the term executioner are the express copyrighted property of the aforementioned Nakhu…a cease and desist letter shall be in your mailbox shortly… :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

In all seriousness though, good luck with the guild. Nice to see some guild variety now and then :slight_smile:


For the record, I genuinely meant no offense, was just uncertain about some aspects and was going to advise against certain actions, if they were taking place.

Sorry for any confusion.

I’d be interested in bringing my Orc hunter over if you’re still looking for fresh blood!?

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I’d gladly arm wrestle you for all rights and privileges to the title. You bring the ale, i’ll bring the axes.

Feel free to reach out to me in-game. I’d love to set up a chat with your hunter.

We intend to utilize our in character system to define our play in the greater world. However we don’t expect anyone else to play along who doesn’t want to.

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