Reminder that this month’s market takes place THIS FRIDAY!
Will stop by on my horde. Missed Horde RP so giving MG H a look!
We have seven vendors signed up so far! Let’s give them a fun bunch of patrons to interact with!
Bump for a fun Market event! Come check these epic folks out!
Beginning in 20 minutes!
Thank you everyone who came out, it was a grand time! However, we will be updating the rules a bit, so keep your eyes open for that, here and in the Discord.
Friday, April 15th is the day, folks! Hop into the Coalition server and sign on up!
Wanna sign up? Plop yourself right here:
Also, WRA folks are welcome! Just poke me for an anchor, day of!
This is tonight! We have a handful of vendors signed up, be sure to swing by and show them your support!
ONE WEEK! Wanna sign up? Slide on in here:
It is almost time for another market this month. >:D
Indeed! Next market is this Friday, 17 June! 7:30PM ST, Valley of Honor - be sure to join the Discord!
Good news, everyone!
With the admins’ blessing, I’ll be organizing the Orgrimmar Market for tonight (8/19/22). We apologize for the short notice, but hope to see you there tonight or in the future!
Please visit the Orgrimmar Market and Guild Expo section of the Coalition discord to sign-up and refresh yourself on the guidelines. The only change is that I’m now your contact: Moloak (Discord: Moloak#1073)
Invites and orginization will begin at 7:00 PM Server; official event start remains at 7:30 PM Server and runs to 9:00 PM.