------------ Oath Swearing Ceremony & Tournament ------------
“Our way forward is laid before us, and the Desolate Council shall lead the way. Sons and daughters of Lordaeron, rejoice for the rightful heir and claimant to the Crown of Lordaeron has returned to us. No longer shall the wolves at our door have easy stake or claim upon our homes.” - Shadow Sister Ellemina Whisperdark, daughter of Lordaeron, Forsaken.
-Date: July 16th, 2022 (Saturday)
-Time: 8pm central / 9 pm eastern
-Server: Hosted on Moon Guard, open to all rp servers.
-Factions: Horde / Neutral / Alliance (please bring tongues elixir) (Diplomatic Alliance presence is a matter of political posturing within political power games, not as allies).
Alliance and hostile Neutrals attending do so under the temporary banner of suspended hostility for political games of State and diplomacy. The Forsaken are not known for their kindness, so it would be wise not to test the limits of such suspension IC.
OOC if there is a desire for a rp attack, or another outburst as a part of a scripted event please contact coordinators in advance.
-Hosted By: Eternal Court Of Lordaeron , Discord Link: https://discord.gg/ncezsSjYJJ (Forsaken / Living Lordaeron Noble RP Community)
-Requirement: Characters need to be level 60, and have completed the 9.2.5 patch content. We are using the patch throne room of Lordaeron, which does not flag Alliance players.
-Peace Joust Tournament D20 RP-PVP & Costume Contest: Following the Oath Swearing Ceremony the Eternal Court is proud to host a celebratory peace joust open to all. This peace joust is a martial combat d20 rp-pvp melee tournament on foot, in which combatants are encouraged to dress the part of one of the various factions present during the Scourging of Lordaeron. There will be gold prizes for the rp-pvp tournament, and also best-dressed characters taking part. Alliance, Neutral, and Horde are welcome to take part in the celebratory peace joust.
Peace Joust Attire Theme Suggestions: Silverhand, Cult Of The Damned, Kirin Tor, Lordaeron Royal Guards, Quel’thalas Rangers, and more.
-Peace Joust Tournament Prize Pool: 700,000 gold shared between 1st and 2nd place, as well as the ‘costume’ contest. The prize pool is open to Horde & Alliance on Moon Guard. The remaining gold will be awarded to characters selected by judges, best dressed to represent different factions during the Scourging of Lordaeron. Gold can not be sent to other servers, so the prizes have to be awarded to Moon Guard characters.
-Tournament Attire Contest: Those taking place in the tournament are invited to dress as members of various factions who fought during the Scourging of Lordaeron: Silverhand, Lordaeronian Knights, Cult Of The Damned, and more. Before the tournament is to begin fighters will line up and present their attire. Four outfits will be selected by a panel of judges, and at the end of the tournament will each get a lump sum gold prize for representing their chosen faction in the tournament well.
-Disclaimer: Tournament prizes are awarded at the end of the night. Players who engage in trolling or other disruptive behavior will be banned from all prizes at this event, and all prizes at Dance Of The Dead. Any players who won a prize, will forfeit their prizes automatically for engaging in trolling and other abusive behavior.
OOC Contact For Questions: Banshih (h), Stahlhafên (h) (Moon Guard)
OOC: This open rp event with a chance for characters to renew their oaths of loyalty. The oath in question will address the Desolate Council foremost as the new leadership core of the Forsaken, which also includes Calia Menethil. Following the oath swearing ceremony, there will be a rp-pvp d20 tournament open to all players on any rp servers.
OOC Event Timeline: Formation (starting in Brill) > March > Assembly In Throne Room > Oaths > Peace Joust Tournament With Costume Contest
Edit For Clarity: This ceremony is about the whole of the Desolate Council. It is not about only Calia.